
Breakout session "Another battlefield: how Telegram emerged as a digital front in Russia’s war against Ukraine" / Main stage

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Telegram has emerged as a pivotal platform for Russia to justify its war in Ukraine and undermine Western support for the latter. With Russia’s crackdown on Western social media platforms, pro-Kremlin entities are increasingly leveraging Telegram to disseminate their narratives using various tactics and sway public opinion both domestically and internationally. This session will delve into Telegram’s expanding role in Russia’s information campaigns against Ukraine and the West. It will also discuss how Telegram serves as a critical window into Russian thoughts about the war by analyzing the activities of Russian pro-war communities on Telegram. Discussions will explore the ways in which Telegram serves as a platform to challenge Kremlin narratives and the Russian government’s suppression of anonymous channels. The DFRLab will also discuss our development of new methods for analyzing very large Telegram datasets, as well as lessons learned along the way.

09:00 - 10:00