
Speaker BIO

Mykola Balaban is expert in strategic communications and counter-disinformation, currently serving as Deputy Head at the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security under Ukraine's Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. Since September 2021, he has spearheaded collaborations among government representatives, international organizations, and civil society to combat Russian disinformation. Previously, Mykola was Head of the Situation Center at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, where he implemented systematic monitoring of the information field and developed a database of manipulative content. His efforts also included drafting the Ministry's Crisis Communication Algorithm and training diplomats in misinformation recognition.As co-founder and President of the NGO Security Environment Research Center "PROMETHEUS," Mykola led projects on conflict narratives and information integrity, producing significant works such as "Donbas In Flames. Guide to the Conflict Zone." Holds a Ph.D. in History with a focuse on violence studies and microhistory.